An urban legend, urban myth, urban tale, or contemporary legend, is a form of modern folklore consisting of stories usually believed by their tellers to be true. As with all folklore and mythology, the designation suggests nothing about the story's truth or falsehood, but merely that it is in circulation, exhibits variation over time, and carries some significance that motivates the community in preserving and propagating it.


| Wednesday, January 19, 2011 | |
Suster ngesot di Indo, bata-bata di Jepang. Bata-bata adalah hantu wanita yang ngesotnya nggak pake lutut tapi pake siku. Hantu ini nggak punya pinggang ke bawah dan membawa sabit besar. Dia suka keliling sekolah di malam hari (kayak teke-teke gitu) dan kalau dia nangkep kamu, kamu akan dibelah dua sampai mati supaya jadi seperti dia. Oh my God…


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